6 more email elements that you can personalize

1. Sender information: Show your recipients that there is a real person behind the messages to build a closer relationship.

2. Image and graphic elements: Similarly, graphic adjustments can be made based on collected data about preferences, interests, or even just the age or gender of the reader. Or how about individual image elements with the recipient’s name? After all, the newsletter design is the first thing readers notice – even before the actual content.

3. Mailing texts: It’s also allowed to get personal within your newsletter. Therefore, use placeholders in the newsletter itself to create more proximity.

4. Links and call-to-actions: To ensure that your links and CTAs get the attention they deserve, you can also use the personalization assistant here to increase your click rates.

5. Attachments: Among other things, some e-mail marketing software can also be used to personalize PDF documents directly when sending e-mails.

6. Greetings: Generic greetings can also be easily replaced with personalized greetings at the beginning or end of your mailing.

However, comprehensive personalization goes even one step further. Because while many already stop after the personal salutation in the subject line, landing pages and registration forms can also be individualized and dynamic content adapted to the recipient.